Google Search Ads 360

The Google Search Ads 360 Connector provides automated ingestion of ad campaign conversion reporting.


This data source requires a Google Account credential. The Google Account must have access to Search Ads 360 reporting. Google Service Account credentials are not supported.


The Google Search Ads 360 Connector can be scheduled to ingest data once per day at a user-defined hour and timezone. By default, the connector will run once at 6am PT. See Daily Scheduling for more information.


If you don’t already have the IDs for the agencies and advertisers you have permission to view, request an advertiser report with the agencyId and advertiserId columns, but don’t specify the reportScope

agency number
DoubleClick Search ID of the agency
advertiser number
DoubleClick Search ID of the advertiser

Switchboard Script Syntax

 download t from {
            key: "google_search_ads_360_ng";
            type: "google_search_ads_360_ng:id_map";
            agency: "20700000001038984";
            advertiser: "21700000001106271";

Legacy Google 360 Connector Documentation

Google scheduled an update to their Search Ads 360 Reporting API for June 30th, 2024 and sunset the previous version of the API used by Switchboard. Below is connector documentation for the previous version.

Legacy Parameters

The following report types are supported:
  • account
  • ad
  • advertiser
  • adGroup
  • adGroupTarget
  • bidStrategy
  • campaign
  • campaignTarget
  • conversion
  • feedItem
  • floodlightActivity
  • keyword
  • negativeAdGroupKeyword
  • negativeAdGroupTarget
  • negativeCampaignKeyword
  • negativeCampaignTarget
  • paidAndOrganic
  • productAdvertised
  • productGroup
  • productLeadAndCrossSell
  • productTarget
  • visit

Legacy Switchboard Script Syntax

import google_search_ads_360_ad_raw from {
    type: "google_search_ads_360;
    key: "google_token_key";
    report_type: "ad";
} using {
    status: string;
    engineStatus: string;
    creationTimestamp: datetime;
    lastModifiedTimestamp: datetime;
    agency: string;
    agencyId: integer;
    advertiser: string;
    advertiserId: integer;
    account: string;
    accountId: integer;
    accountEngineId: string;
    accountType: string;
    campaign: string;
    campaignId: integer;
    campaignStatus: string;
    adGroup: string;
    adGroupId: integer;
    adGroupStatus: string;
    ad: string;
    adId: integer;
    adEngineId: integer;
    isUnattributedAd: boolean;
    adHeadline: string;
    adHeadline2: string;
    adHeadline3: string;
    adDescription1: string;
    adDescription2: string;
    adDisplayUrl: string;
    adLandingPage: string;
    adType: string;
    adPromotionLine: string;
    adLabels: string;
    adPathField1: string;
    adPathField2: string;
    effectiveLabels: string;
    dfaActions: integer;
    dfaRevenue: float;
    dfaTransactions: integer;
    dfaWeightedActions: float;
    dfaActionsCrossEnv: float;
    dfaRevenueCrossEnv: float;
    dfaTransactionsCrossEnv: float;
    dfaWeightedActionsCrossEnv: float;
    avgCpc: float;
    avgCpm: float;
    avgPos: float;
    clicks: integer;
    cost: float;
    ctr: float;
    impr: integer;
    adWordsConversions: float;
    adWordsConversionValue: float;
    adWordsViewThroughConversions: integer;
    visits: integer;
    date: date;