Aventri Ads

The Aventri Ads Connector provides automated access to reports through the Aventri API.


To configure access to the Aventri connector you will need the following properties:

API Token
See the Aventri documentation on Getting an API Key
Account ID
The Aventri account id for which you want to make API calls.


The Aventri connector can be scheduled to run at regular intervals, or at specific hours of the day.

By default, the connector will run once a day at 6am PT.

See Hourly Scheduling for more information.

Using Switchboard Static IP

If necessary due to IT or security policy, this connector can be configured to route traffic through one of Switchboard’s static IP addresses. To do so, include the parameter static_ip: true; in the Switchboard Script import statement.


region string
The region specific endpoints for the Aventri data services API to use. One of the following regions: APAC, NA, or EMEA — see the Aventri documentation for further details.
attendees_customfields Boolean
Allows the return of ALL the custom fields for each attendee
Only available if use_v1 is set to true
attendees_fields stringlist
Select system fields for attendees, where possible values include: attendeeid, fname, lname, address1, address2, city, state, zip, country, email, mphone, wphone, company, title, fee_code, registrationstatus, categoryid, category_reportname, created, lastmodified, hotelcost, totalcost, eventid, job_description, primary_business
Only available if use_v1 is set to true
events_customfields Boolean
Allows the return of ALL the custom fields for each event
Only available if use_v1 is set to true
events_fields stringlist
Select system fields for events, where possible values include: eventid, eventname, startdate, enddate, business_unit, type_of_event
Only available if use_v1 is set to true
use_v1 Boolean
Defaults to false, which means the more recent version (v2 at the time of writing) of the API will be used.

Sample Switchboard Script

download bundle aventri {
    type: "aventri";
    key: "aventri_key";
    use_v1: true;   // optional (Boolean) - Default: false
    region: "NA";   // required (String)
    table events_list using {*};
    table attendees_list using {*};
    table session_list using {*};
    table transaction_list using {*};
    table preload_list using {*};

Note that you cannot use events_fields and events_customfields at the same time. The same applies to attendees_fields and attendees_customfields as illustrated below.

Using “_fields” parameters:

download bundle aventri {
            type: "aventri";
            key: "aventri_key";
            use_v1: true;
            region: "NA";
            ingore_deleted: true;
            skip_event_ids: ["75536"];
            events_fields: ["eventid","eventname","startdate","enddate","business_unit","type_of_event"];
            attendees_fields: ["attendeeid","fname","lname","city","eventid","job_description","primary_business","mkg_consent"];
            table events_list using {*};
            table attendees_list using {*};
            table session_list using {*};
            table transaction_list using {*};
            table preload_list using {*};

Using “_customfields” parameters:

download bundle aventri {
            type: "aventri";
            key: "aventri_key";
            use_v1: true;
            region: "NA";
            ingore_deleted: true;
            skip_event_ids: ["82656"];
            events_customfields: true;
            attendees_customfields: true;
            table events_list using {*};
            table attendees_list using {*};
            table session_list using {*};
            table transaction_list using {*};
            table preload_list using {*};