
The Switchboard ShareASale connector automates activity and payment reports.


To configure access to the AdColony Publisher Report Connector, you need:

  • API Token
  • API Secret

To obtain the APIKey, contact your AdColony Publisher Report Account Manager.

In addition, you must iaffiliate_id and api_version. The affiliate ID is available on the docs page The latest API version is 2.3. See the examples below.


The ShareASale connector can be scheduled to ingest data once per day at a user-defined hour and timezone. By default, the connector will run once at 6am PT. See Daily Scheduling for more information.

Sample Switchboard Script

import share_a_sale_activity_details_raw from {
    type: "share_a_sale:activity_details";
    key: "ranker_shareasale_key";
    affiliate_id: "12345";
    api_version: "2.3";
} using {
    "transid": string;
    "storeid": string;

    "bannerpage": string;

    "referencetrans": string;
    "affcomment": string;
    "userid": string;
    "quantitylist": string;
    "transtype": string;
    "skulist": string;
    "comment": string;
    "bannerid": string;
    "locked": string;
    "voided": string;
    "transamount": float;
    "commission": float;
    "merchantid": string;
    "merchantwebsite": string;
    "merchantdefinedtype": string;
    "merchantorganization": string;
    "clickdate": datetime; 
    "clicktime": string;
    "pendingdate": datetime;
    "paiddate": datetime;
    "transdate": datetime;
    "reversaldate": datetime;
    "lockdate": datetime;






A list of requested groups. 

For Parameters descriptions, see AdColony Publisher Reporting API Document.

At least one value is required