
The Partnerize Connector provides automated access to the Partnerize API to retrieve campaign data for your partners related to:

  • Campaign Conversions
  • Campaign Bundles (Creatives Participating in a Campaign)


You must create a Key in the Key Editor for Partnerize with the following properties:

Application Key
This is the User Application Key from your Account settings in the Partnerize console
Client Secret
This is the User API key from the Account settings in the Partnerize console


The Partnerize Connector can be scheduled to ingest data once per day at a user-defined hour and timezone.

By default, the connector will run once at 6am PT.

See Daily Scheduling for more information.

Campaign Conversions Report


publisher_id string
ID of the partner for which campaign data will be retrieved. Example: 1l1007802

Sample Switchboard Script

download partnerize_conversions_raw from {
    type: "partnerize:publisher_conversions";
    key: "XXXXX";
    publisher_id: "XXXXX";
} using {

		"conversion_id": string;
		"publisher_id": string;
		"campaign_id": string;
		"conversion_time": datetime;
		"creative_type": string;
		"creative_id": string;
		"specific_creative_id": string;
		"customer_type": string;
		"referer_ip": string;
		"last_modified": datetime;
		"conversion_type": integer;
		"ref_device_id": integer;
		"ref_partnership_model_id": integer;
		"ref_traffic_source_id": integer;
		"ref_conversion_metric_id": integer;
		"ref_user_context_id": integer;
		"campaign_title": string;
		"publisher_name": string;
		"was_disputed": boolean;
		"conversion_items": [{
			"conversion_item_id": string;
			"sku": string;
			"category": string;
			"item_value": float;
			"item_publisher_commission": float;
			"item_status": string;
			"last_update": datetime;
			"publisher_self_bill_id": string;
			"reject_reason": string;
			"item_status_id": integer;
			"voucher_codes": [{
				"voucher_code": string;
				"voucher_status": string;
				"voucher_code_id": string;
			"meta_data": {
				"promo_code": string;
				"product_name": string;
			"approved_at": datetime;
			"quantity": integer;
			"payable": boolean;
		"meta_data": {
			"store": string;
			"device": string;
			"context": string;
			"ship_date": string;
			"promo_code": string;
		"publisher_reference": string;
		"advertiser_reference": string;
		"conversion_reference": string;
		"customer_reference": string;
		"source_referer": string;
		"currency": string;
		"country": string;
		"ref_device": string;
		"ref_partnership_model": string;
		"ref_traffic_source": string;
		"ref_user_context": string;
		"ref_conversion_metric": string;
		"conversion_value": {
			"conversion_status": string;
			"value": float;
			"publisher_commission": float;
		"click": {
			"campaign_id": string;
			"publisher_id": string;
			"type": string;
			"status": string;
			"set_time": datetime;
			"set_ip": string;
			"last_used": integer;
			"last_ip": string;
			"creative_id": string;
			"creative_type": string;
			"specific_creative_id": string;
			"ref_device_id": integer;
			"ref_partnership_model_id": integer;
			"ref_traffic_source_id": integer;
			"ref_user_context_id": integer;
			"publisher_reference": string;
			"referer": string;
			"ref_device": string;
			"ref_partnership_model": string;
			"ref_traffic_source": string;
			"ref_user_context": string;
			"clickref": string;
		"conversion_lag": integer;
		"clickref": string;


Campaign Bundles Report


publisher_id string
ID of the partner for which campaign data will be retrieved. Example: 1l1007802
include_campaign_descriptions boolean
Indicates whether or not the campaign description field should be included in the downloaded data.
include_campaign_terms boolean
Indicates whether or not the campaign terms field should be included in the downloaded data.

Sample Switchboard Script

download bundle t {
    type: "partnerize:campaign_bundle";
    key: "partnerize_key";
    publisher_id: "1101l2172";
    include_campaign_descriptions: false;
    include_campaign_terms: false;
    table campaigns using {*};
    table commissions using {*};
    table creatives using {*};