
The CompuSystems connector provides automated access to the CompuSystems API.

The connector makes the following reports available:


The following information is needed to create a Key that is used to access the data for the CompuSystems API.

The username with API access that was previously set up by CSI. Usernames are case sensitive.
The same password with API access that was previously set up by CSI.
Event Code
The event name set up by CSI. It should be communicated during show setup.
Event Number
A CSI internal field for an event. It should be communicated during show setup.


The CompuSystems connector registrations report can be scheduled to ingest data once per day at a user-defined hour and timezone.

By default, the connector will run once at 6am PT.

See Daily Scheduling for more information.

The additional CompuSystems connectors are immediate download types.

Sample Switchboard Script


Provides the registration numbers of people who registered during a specified date range (maximum of 30-day range).

During the advance process, dates and times will be Central timezone.

Once the show has moved to onsite, dates and times will be the timezone of the show’s venue.

download bundle t {
            type: "compus_systems:registrations";
            key: "compus_systems_key";
            table range_add_reg_number using {*};
            table range_mod_reg_number_reg_data using {*};
            table range_mod_reg_number_demo_data using {*};
            table range_mod_reg_number_opt_data using {*};
            table range_add_reg_number_transaction_data using {*};
            table reg_info using {*};
            table demo_info using {*};
            table option_info using {*};
            table financial_info using {*};

Demographic Metadata

Pulls a complete list of demographic questions and answers for given show.

See the API documentation on the demographicMetaData endpoint for more details.

download t from {
            type: "compus_systems:demographic_meta_data";
            key: "compus_systems_key";
        } using {*};

Session Metadata

Provides information about all available/configured sessions for the given event.

See the API documentation on the sessionMetadata endpoint for more details.

download t from {
            type: "compus_systems:session_meta_data";
            key: "compus_systems_key";
        } using {*};

Show Registration Event Codes

Provides access to a complete list of all valid registration category codes that may be returned.

See the API documentation on the showRegEvtCodes endpoint for more details.

download t from {
            type: "compus_systems:show_reg_event_codes";
            key: "compus_systems_key";
        } using {*};