Index Exchange Client Audit Logs

The Switchboard Index Exchange Client Audit Log connector provides automated access to Index Exchange’s Hourly Client Audit Logs, as well as associated match tables that allow for enrichment of data.

NOTE: Index Exchange only provides source Client Audit Log data for 14 days.

The following topics are covered:


To configure access to the Index Exchange Client Audit Log Connector, you need:

  • API Token

To obtain the API Token, contact your Index Exchange Technical Account Manager.


The Index Exchange Client Audit Log Connector can be scheduled to ingest data once per day at a user-defined hour and timezone.

  • To configure this schedule, use the delay_hours parameter.
  • By default, the connector will run once at 6am PT.

Audit Logs

The following audit logs are available:

Index Exchange Client Audit Logs






A list of required subscription_name:

  • impressions
  • bids


Switchboard Script Syntax

import index_exchange_audit_log_raw from {
   type: "index_exchange:audit_log";
   key: "index_exchange_audit_log_key";
   subscription_name: "impressions";
   } using {
           indexexchange_audit_log_source_filename: string;
           auction_id: string;
           timestamp: datetime;
           country: string;
           state: string;
           dma: string;
           zip_postal: string;
           device_type: string;
           operating_system: string;
           browser: string;
           partner_id: integer;
           site_id: integer;
           creative_type: string;
           domain: string;
           app_bundle: string;
           inventory_channel: string;
           supply_source: string;
           slot_id: string;
           size: string;
           event_type: string;
           event_opportunity: float;
           gross_revenue: float;
           dsp_id: integer;
           trading_desk_id: integer;
           campaign_id: integer;
           campaign_name: string;
           brand_id: integer;
           brand_name: string;
           creative_id: integer;
           creative_name: string;
           deal_id: string;
           internal_deal_id: integer;
           cookie_match_status: string;
           a_domain: string;
           pub_rev_share: float;
           billing_term_id: integer;
           p_ids: string;
           discount_amount: float;

Index Exchange Client Audit Log Match Tables


Index Exchange Client Audit Log Match Table imports have no configurable parameters.

Switchboard Script Syntax

import index_exchange_mapping_buyers_raw from {
   type: "index_exchange:buyers";
   key: "index_exchange_audit_log_key";
   } using {
           dsp_id: integer;
           buyer_name: string;
           trading_desk_id: integer;

import index_exchange_mapping_deals_raw from {
   type: "index_exchange:deals";
   key: "index_exchange_audit_log_key";
   } using {
           status: string;
           dsp_id: integer;
           deal_id: string;
           end_date: date;
           auction_type: string;
           priority: integer;
           rate: integer;
           deal_type: integer;
           deal_name: string;
           start_date: date;
import index_exchange_mapping_dsps_raw from {
   type: "index_exchange:dsps";
   key: "index_exchange_audit_log_key";
   } using {
           dsp_id: integer;
           dsp_name: string;
import index_exchange_mapping_sites_raw from {
   type: "index_exchange:sites";
   key: "index_exchange_audit_log_key";
   } using {
           site_id: integer;
           site_name: string;