
The Switchboard AdSlot Connector automates access to AdSlot Campaign and Line Item reports.  


To configure access to the Switchboard AdSlot connector, you need:

  • API Token

To obtain the token, contact your AdSlot Account Manager.


AdSlot Connector can be scheduled to run multiple times a day at a user-defined hour and timezone.

  • To configure this schedule, use the delay_hours parameter.
  • By default, the connector will run once at 6am PT.

Report Types

The following report types are available:

Campaigns Report

Switchboard Script Syntax

import adslot_campaigns_raw from {
   type: "adslot:campaigns";
   key: "adslot_key";
   } using {
          "id": string;
          "name": string;
          "orderId": integer;
          "buyerCampaignName": string;
          "billingAllocationType": string;
          "billingDeliverySource": string;
          "buyer": {
                  "id": integer;
                  "uuid": string;
                  "givenName": string;
                  "surname": string;
                  "avatar": string;
                  "status": string;
                  "role": string;
                  "approvalStatus": string;
                  "timezone": string;
                  "partnerId": integer;
                  "canUpdateCommission": boolean;
                  "company": {
                            "name": string;
                  "updatedAt": datetime;
                  "points": integer;
                  "directBilling": boolean;
                  "billingDeliverySource": string;
                  "links": {
                            "self": string;
                  "canReceiveChanges": boolean;
          "allowChangesOnChangeRequest": boolean;
          "allowMultiAdUnitPackages": boolean;
          "client": string;
          "currencyCode": string;
          "status": string;
          "startDate": date;
          "endDate": date;
          "firstSignOffDate": datetime;
          "latestSignOffDate": datetime;
          "adServerSettings": {
                  "buffer": {
                            "mode": string;
                            "manual": integer;
                            "maxDynamic": integer;
                  "pacing": {
                            "mode": string;
          "brief": {
                  "objective": string;
                  "audience": string;
                  "attachment": string;
                  "startDate": datetime;
                  "endDate": datetime;
                  "siteIds": [integer];
                  "termsId": integer;
          "bookedAt": datetime;
          "updatedAt": datetime;
          "demandPartnerId": integer;
          "trafficking": [{
                  "adServerId": string;
                  "advertiserId": string;
          "fees": {
                  "tech": float;
                  "supply": integer;
                  "demand": integer;
                  "agency": integer;
                  "salesChannel": {
                            "state": string;
                            "partnerId": integer;
                            "publisherId": integer;
                            "demandSource": string;
                            "demandSourceName": string;
                            "demandSourceFeeRate": integer;
          "billing": {
                  "commission": float;
                  "method": string;
                  "demandFeeRate": float;
                  "technologyFeeRate": float;
                  "supplyFeeRate": float;
          "alerts": {
                  "billing": integer;
                  "creatives": integer;
                  "changes": integer;
                  "messages": integer;
                  "trafficking": integer;
          "proposedCost": {
                  "value": integer;
                  "microValue": integer;
                  "currencyCode": string;
          "purchaseCost": {
                  "value": integer;
                  "microValue": integer;
                  "currencyCode": string;


AdSlot connector has no configurable parameters.

Line Items Report

Switchboard Script Syntax

import adslot_line_items_raw from {
    type: "adslot:line_items";
    key: "adslot_key";
    } using {
           "id": string;
           "context": string;
           "label": string;
           "startDate": date;
           "endDate": date;
           "firstSignOffDate": datetime;
           "latestSignOffDate": datetime;
           "demandPartnerId": integer;
           "client": string;
           "siteName": string;
           "updatedAt": datetime;
           "buyer": {
                   "id": integer;
                   "name": string;
           adFormatType: string;
           "adUnits": [{
                   "required": boolean;
                   "description": string;
                   "id": string;
                   "type": string;
                   "sizes": [{
                           "default": boolean;
                           "adServerWidth": integer;
                           "adServerHeight": integer;
                           "width": integer;
                           "height": integer;
                           "type": string;
                           "description": string;
                           "id": string;
           "campaign": {
                   "id": string;
                   "orderId": integer;
                   "name": string;
           "billing": {
                   "commission": float;
                   "method": string;
                   "demandFeeRate": float;
                   "technologyFeeRate": float;
                   "supplyFeeRate": float;
           goal: {
           purchaseCost: {
                   value: integer;
                   microValue: integer;
                   currencyCode: string;
           billableAmount: {
                   value: integer;
                   microValue: integer;
                   currencyCode: string;
           "pacing": {
                   "delivery": {
                           "delivered": integer;
                           "predicted": integer;
                   "spent": {
                           "buyer": {
                                   "value": integer;
                                   "currencyCode": string;
           "analytics": {
                   "buyer": {
                           "impressions": integer;
                           "clicks": integer;
                   "seller": {
                           "impressions": integer;
                           "clicks": integer;


AdSlot connector has no configurable parameters.