Amazon Marketplace

The Amazon Marketplace connector provides automated access to the Amazon Marketplace Web Services an integrated web service API that helps Amazon sellers to programmatically exchange data on listings, orders, payments, reports, and more.


The Amazon Marketplace connector requires you create an Amazon Marketplace Key in the Key Editor with the following value:

Account ID
This wil be the Developer ID of a registered Amazon MWS developer authorized to access a seller’s account in Seller Central.
Access Key
The AWS Access Key ID is associated with your Amazon MWS registration. A 20-character, alphanumeric identifier.
Secret Key
A shared secret, given to you when you registered, and known only to you and Amazon MWS used to create a Request Signature. A 40-character identifier.


The Amazon Marketplace connector can be scheduled to ingest data once per day at a user-defined hour and timezone.

By default, the connector will run once at 6am PT.

See Daily Scheduling for more information.

Using Switchboard Static IP

If necessary due to IT or security policy, this connector can be configured to route traffic through one of Switchboard’s static IP addresses. To do so, include the parameter static_ip: true; in the Switchboard Script import statement.


marketplace_ids string list
If you are registered in multiple marketplaces, then you have multiple MarketplaceId values associated with your SellerId. These multiple MarketplaceId values can be, for example, an Amazon seller account or a Checkout by Amazon account, where those services are available.
region string
Possible values can be found om the Amazon MWS endpoint documentation. Defaults to “US”

Sample SBS Script

download bundle t {
                key: "amazon_marketplace";
                type: "amazon_marketplace:orders";
                marketplace_ids: ["ATNOEEKZVM"]      // required value
                region: "US"                         // optional value, default to US
                table orders using {*};
                table items using {*};
