
The TappX connector provides automated access to the TappX Monetization Reporting API.


The TappX connector requires you create a TappX Key in the Key Editor with the following values:

API key
The API key that you have received from TappX.
User ID
Your TappX user identifier


The TappX connector can be scheduled to ingest data once per day at a user-defined hour and timezone.

By default, the connector will run once at 6am PT.

See Daily Scheduling for more information.

Sample SBS Script

download t from {
                key: "tappx";
                type: "tappx";
            } using {*};
                    "Operating System Name",

Response Fields

|Field Position |Description |Values | |—————|————————————|——–| |1 |Date |Format YYYY-mm-dd | |2 |Tappx Internal APP Id | | |3 |Tappx Key |pub-xxxx-os-yyyy | |4 |Operating System Name |android, ios, firefoxos | |5 |AdType |banner, interstitial, mrec | |6 |Country | | |7 |Requests |Number of request that you has made | |8 |Deliveries |Number of Ads that tappx has served | |9 |Impressions |Number of impressions rendered on the device | |10 |Clicks |Number of clicks done by the user | |11 |Revenues |Revenues in currency that you have choosed |