Rubicon (Magnite)

The Rubicon (Magnite) Connector provides automated download of performance analytics.


The Rubicon (Magnite) connector requires that API Access be enabled by your account team before making requests.

At this time access is granted on a case-by-case basis and not available for all publishers. For more information, reach out to your Magnite DV+ Account Team.

You must create a Rubicon credential type in our Key manager.

Account ID
The unique identifier for your Magnite account with the form publisher/12345
Functions as your user name
A cryptographic signature / shared secret known only to Magnite and you


The Rubicon (Magnite) Ads connector may be scheduled to ingest data regularly on an hourly basis at a user-defined hour and timezone.

See Hourly Scheduling for more information.


REQUIRED List of dimensions to be included in the report; string list

valid values include: account, account_id, ad_class, ad_format, ad_server_api_code, advertiser, advertiser_id, advertiser_industries, app_bundle, beacon_error_code, beacon_error_desc, buyer, buyer_seat_id, campaign, campaign_id, campaign_type, country, date, deal, deal_id, deal_token, device_code, device_os_name, device_type, device_type_name, fastlane_tier, has_storage_id, hour, internal_creative_id, inventory_key_values, inventory_keys, keyword, media_format, month, network_id, partner, quarter, revenue_source, rtb_rule, rtb_rule_class, rtb_rule_id, site, site_groups, site_id, site_url, size, size_id, status_code, synthetic_app_id, vast_error_code, vast_error_desc, visitor_key_values, visitor_keys, week, year, zone, zone_group, zone_id

REQUIRED List of metrics to be included in the report; string list

valid values include: accept_invitations, ad_request_cpm, ad_request_fill_rate, ad_requests, ad_response_cpm, ad_response_rate, ad_spot_cpm, ad_spot_dsp_win_rate, ad_spot_fill_rate, ad_spot_render_rate, ad_spots, auction_rate, auction_rcpm, auction_revenue, auction_win_rate, auctions, auctions_won, avg_bid_cpm, avg_multiplier, bid_requests, bid_responses, blocked_responses, closes, companion_ad, companion_views, complete_rate, completes, creative_views, dsp_tracked_clicks, ecpm, full_screens, has_companion_ad, impressions, max_ad_duration, no_bid_responses, paid_impression, playbackmethod, psa_impressions, rcpm, render_rate, revenue, rewinds, starts, undefined_vast_events, unique_visitors, valid_responses, vast_click_rate, vast_clicks, vast_errors, vpaid, win_rate

OPTIONAL List of filter criteria to be applied to dimensions or metrics; string list

For example: filters=dimension:zone_id==32464;metric:ecpm>=0;metric:rcpm>=3.7

Inclusive and exclusive filtering is supported on filterable dimension via “==” and “!=”.

OPTIONAL Currency of the report. Defaults to USD.

Sample Switchboard Script

import rubicon from {
   type: "rubicon_ng";
   key: "rubicon_key";
   dimensions: ["date", 
   metrics: ["revenue", "paid_impression", "ecpm"];
   filters: [];
} using {
   date: datetime;
   hour: string;
   revenue_source: string;
   device_type_name: string;
   site: string;
   advertiser: string;
   revenue: float;
   paid_impressions: integer;
   ecpm: float;