The Switchboard Publica provides automated access with the Publica API
To configure access to the Publica connector you will need the following properties:
- API Key
- A token obtained from your Publica account manager
The Publica connector can be scheduled to run at regular intervals, or at specific hours of the day.
By default, the connector will run once a day at 6am PT.
See Daily Scheduling for more information.
- dimensions list of strings
- required
- Allowed values for
are:- ad_duration
- adomain
- app_bundle_id
- app_name
- bid_density
- bid_error_code
- bidder_group
- bidder_id
- bidder_parameters
- bidder_testing
- bidder_tier
- bidder_type
- bidder_type
- biddername
- brand_safety_rule_id
- campaignname
- category
- channel_group
- city
- content_channel
- content_dist_id
- content_dist_name
- content_episode
- content_genre
- content_id
- content_keywords
- content_language
- content_length
- content_network
- content_prodqual
- content_producer_id
- content_producer_name
- content_rating
- content_season
- content_series
- content_title
- country
- custom_targeting
- custom1
- custom4
- custom5
- custom6
- custom7
- custom8
- custom10
- day
- deal_id
- delivered_ads
- demand_path
- devicetype
- dma
- do_not_track
- dsp
- endpoint_error_code
- filled_ads
- gdpr
- gdpr_consent
- hour
- ip_type
- line_item_id
- line_item_status
- livestream
- month
- needs_creative
- network_id
- network_name
- no_fill_reason
- order_id
- order_name
- pod_duration
- preset_aggregate_last_seven_days
- preset_aggregate_last_thirty_days
- preset_aggregate_yesterday
- publisher_name
- segmentname
- siteid
- sitename
- spotx_param_channel_id start date
- state
- synthetic_id
- targeting_device
- us_privacy
- vast_error_code
- week_of_year
- zip
- metrics list of strings
- required
- Allowed values for
are:- ad_complete
- ad_filled
- ad_impression
- auction_clear_rate
- auction_latency
- avg_bid
- avg_imp_ecpm
- avg_imp_gross_ecpm
- avg_winning_bid
- bid_auctions
- bid_errors
- bid_losts
- bid_none
- bid_requests
- bid_response_rate
- bid_responses
- bid_timeouts
- bid_wons
- buyers_latency
- campaign_complete
- campaign_filled
- campaign_impression
- campaign_no_fill
- campaign_quartile1
- campaign_quartile2
- campaign_quartile3
- campaign_request
- campaign_start
- complete
- completion_rate
- cpm
- delivered_pod_duration
- endpoint_latency
- endpoint_requests
- event_endpoint_errors
- filled_pod_duration
- fillrate
- gross_revenue
- impressions
- line_item_count
- pod_complete
- pod_filled
- pod_request
- render_rate
- requested_pod_duration
- requests
- revenue
- stream_start
- unique_users
- vast_errors
- vmap_latency
- vmap_requests
- vmap_responses
- win_rate
- report_type list of strings
- required
- Allowed values for
are:- auction
- audiencesegment
- bidder
- campaign
- ssai
- uniqueuser
Sample Switchboard Script
download t from {
type: "publica:report";
key: "publica";
report_type: "bidder";
metrics: ["impressions"];
dimensions: ["day"];
timezone: "America/New_York";
} using { * };