
The Pinterest Connector provides automated access to ad analytics. For more information about Pinterest Ads, please consult their API documentation.


The Pinterest connector requires credentials to generate an OAuth tokem.

This must be a Pinterest business account. Find details on account creating a Business account.

Also note the user’s account should have a country setting in one of Pinterest’s advertising markets.

The email you use to login to your Pinterest account
The password you use to login to your Pinterest account


The Pinterest connector can be scheduled to ingest data once per day at a user-defined hour and timezone. By default, the connector will run once at 6am PT.

See Daily Scheduling for more information.

Advertisers Report

This report gets a list of advertisers for your account.


optional, defaults v3 which will be deprecated in January 2022, v4 is the newest version

Sample Switchboard Script

import t from {
    type: "pinterest:advertisers";
    key: "pinterest_key";
    api_version: "v4";
} using { * };

Campaigns Report

This report gets a list of campaigns for your account.


optional, defaults v3 which will be deprecated in January 2022, v4 is the newest version

Sample Switchboard Script

import t from {
    type: "pinterest:campaigns";
    key: "pinterest_key";
    api_version: "v4";
} using { * }

Delivery Metrics Report

The Delivery Metrics Report retrieves delivery metrics for an advertiser

For details on how to obtain the delivery metrics’ definitions, see the Pinterest API documentation on Delivery Metrics Definitions.


optional, defaults v3 which will be deprecated in January 2022, v4 is the newest version

For all other parameters detailed in the script below, please refer to the Pinterest API Delivery Metrics Report endpoint documentation for details.

Sample Switchboard Script

import t from {
    type: "pinterest:delivery_metrics";
    key: "pinterest_key";
    advertisers: ["23424234","234243"]; // required at least one
    attribution_types: ["INDIVIDUAL"]; // optional
    click_window_days: "DAYS_30"; // optional
    conversion_report_time: "TIME_OF_AD_ACTION"; // optional
    engagement_window_days: "DAYS_1"; // optional
    granularity: "TOTAL"; // required
    view_window_days: "DAYS_1"; // optional
    columns: ["IMPRESSION_2"]; // optional
    level: "CAMPAIGN";
    campaign_ids: ["camp_id_0","camp_id_1"]; // optional
    campaign_statuses: ["RUNNING","COMPLETED"]; // optional
    ad_group_ids: ["ad_group_id_0","ad_group_id_1"]; // optional
    ad_group_statuses: ["RUNNING","COMPLETED"]; // optional
    ad_ids: ["ad_id_0","ad_id_1"]; // optional
    pin_promotion_statuses: ["APPROVED","PENDING"]; // optional
    product_group_ids: ["product_group_id_0","product_group_id_1"];  // optional
    product_group_statuses: ["RUNNING","EXCLUDED","ARCHIVED"]; // optional 
    api_version: "v4"; // optional, default v3
} using { * };