Gourmet Ads
The Gourmet Ads Connector provides automated access to ad data from the GourmetAds console.
Gourmet Ads requires you define a Key in the Key Editor with a multi-site API token that is available through the Gourmet Ads console home page
The Gourmet Ads connector can be scheduled to ingest data once per day at a user-defined hour and timezone.
By default, the connector will run once at 6am PT.
See Daily Scheduling for more information.
Sample Switchboard Script
download gourmet_ads_raw from {
key: "gourmet_ads";
type: "gourmet_ads";
} using {
"site": string;
"cuid": string;
"type": string;
"icr": json;
table transformed_data is select
<<gourmet_ads_raw."$c" as "$c" for c in gourmet_ads_raw except [icr],
explode(icr) as icr
from gourmet_ads_raw;
table t3 is select
<<t."$c" as "$c" for c in t except [icr],
explode(icr) as report_totals
from transformed_data as t;
table gourmet_ads is select
<<t."$c" as "$c" for c in t except [report_totals],
report_totals.value.day: string as day,
report_totals.value.total_imps as total_imps,
report_totals.value.filled_imps as filled_imps,
report_totals.value.filled_rate as filled_rate,
report_totals.value.ecpm as ecpm,
report_totals.value.clicks as clicks,
report_totals.value.ctr as ctr,
report_totals.value.revenue as revenue,
report_totals.value.viewability as viewability
from t3 as t
where (report_totals.key: string) != literal 'key';