Facebook Posts and Pages

The Facebook Posts and Pages connector automates downloading performance data for Facebook Posts, Facebook Pages and Facebok Page-Post Insights


As of July 2022 you must create a Facebook login or a Business login (System User) to access this functionality.

The Facebook Posts and Pages connector requires the following properties for a Facebook System User Key created in the Key Manger.

System User Name
You with need a System Username
Access Token
You will need to generate a System User Token in the Graph API Explorer as described in the Facebook Developer documentation

Additionally the following permissions should be set for the system user:

  • The system user should be assigned to the Facebook Pages that you need.
  • The page_read_engagement, page_read_user_content and pages_show_list permissions are required or you will receive an empty array of data when asking for pages.
  • The read_insights and pages_read_engagement permissions are needed to fetch Page and Posts insights data or you will get a permissions error.


The Facebook Posts and Pages connector can be scheduled to ingest data once per day at a user-defined hour and timezone.

By default, the connector will run once at 6am PT.

See Daily Scheduling for more information.



api_version string
currently only “v14.0” is allowed
page_fields list of strings
For a list of available values, see the table under the heading “Fields” on the Facebook Page GraphQL reference.
post_fields list of strings
For a list of available values, see the table under the heading “Fields” on the Facebook Post GraphQL reference.
post_insights list of strings
For a list of available values, see the table under the heading “Page Post Impressions” on the Facebook Insights reference

Sample Switchboard Script

download bundle t {
            type: "facebook:posts_bundle";
            key: "facebook_key";
            api_version: "v14.0";                                                                               // required
            page_fields: ["category","category_list","name","tasks","verification_status"];  					// required
            post_fields: ["id","permalink_url","shares"];                                                       // required
            post_insights: ["post_impressions"];                                                                // required
            table pages using {*};
            table posts using {*};
            table posts_insights {*};
            table posts_likes using {*};
            table posts_comments using {*};

Page Insights


See the documentation on Page Insights for details about the limitations on the data returned.

api_version string
currently only “v14.0” is allowed
page_insights string list
For a list of available values, see the table under the heading “Page Impressions” on the Facebook Insights reference

Sample Switchboard Script

download t from {
            type: "facebook:page_insights";
            key: "facebook_key";
            api_version: "v14.0";                                                                                    // required
            page_insights: ["page_impressions_frequency_distribution","page_impressions","page_posts_impressions"];  // required
} using{*};